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March 12, 2025
1. Call to Order by Chairman Green
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Recognition of Visitors

1. Recommend Approval of Catering Services by the SERG Group at the 2025 RBC Heritage, in the Amount of $35,037
2. Recommend Approval to Purchase Two All-Terrain Vehicles from Verde, Inc. in the Amount of $79,990
3. Recommend Approval to Procure Emergency Vehicle Equipment and Installation from ProLogic ITS, LLC, in an Amount NTE $55,000
4. Recommend Approval to Procure Taxiway Light Fixtures and Connection Kits from Allen Enterprises, Inc., in the Amount of $37,240
5. Recommend Approval to Execute a Contract with Rite Lite Signs, Inc., for All Services Associated with the Terminal Roadway Signage Project, in the Amount of $372,553
6. Recommend Approval of a Three-Year Frequent Parker Program Service Agreement with R-Solutions, in the Amount of $360,000
7. Recommend Approval to Purchase One Garbage Truck from Roberts Truck Center, in the Amount of $93,599
8. Recommend Approval of a Three-Year License Subscription for M-Files Document Management System from Laminin Solutions, in the Amount of $83,226
9. Recommend Approval to Purchase Four Portable Message Boards from K&K Systems Inc., in the Amount of $60,000
10. Recommend Approval to Purchase One Pavement Line Striping System, Ride on Driver and Scarifier System from Chaves Brothers Management, LLC, in the Amount of $37,904
11. Recommend Approval to Purchase One Commercial Lawn Spray Rig from SiteOne Landscape Supply, in the Amount of $27,433
12. Recommend Approval of Change Order No. 3 with EE Reed Construction for Design Modifications to Building 2, the Air Cargo Facility, in the Amount of $1,400,000
13. Recommend Approval of the 2025-2026 Airport Liability Insurance Program with Sterling Seacrest Pritchard, Inc., in the Amount of $1,132,941
14. Recommend Approval to Execute an Elevator and Escalator Preventative Maintenance Agreement with Elevated Facility Services, in the Amount of $758,869
15. Recommend Approval to Procure Services from Brooks Building Solutions to Upgrade the Building Automation Software (BAS) & Global Controllers, in the Amount of $250,000
16. Recommend Approval to Execute a Contract for Professional Services with Club Choice Ireland Limited, in an Amount NTE $40,000
17. Recommend Approval to Execute a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with the City of Savannah
18. Recommend Approval to Execute Amendment Number Five to the North Aviation Development Land Lease Agreement with Gulfstream Aerospace

1. Calendar of Upcoming Events
2. Executive Session
