Notice to Bidders

Future Bids
The Savannah Airport Commission (SAC) has developed a new procurement portal that will allow you to receive notifications of business opportunities to submit bids and proposals to SAC digitally.
Vendors are requested to follow the link below to SAC’s vendor registration page to register your company. In doing so, please click on the “register” tab located at the top of the page (right side) and follow the instructions.
Registration is easy and free. Please be sure to select the NAICS codes associated with your business and/or organization. Our solicitations will be set up using those codes and will be matched to vendors and contractors with the same codes.
The Savannah Airport Commission is excited about the changes that have been made to streamline and digitize our bidding process. We look forward to continuing a great relationship with our vendors/contractors and appreciate your interest in doing business with the Savannah Airport Commission.
For information about our Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program, please visit the DBE/ACDBE Program page.