September 4, 2024
1. Call to Order by Chairman Green
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Length of Service Awards
1. Recommend Approval of a Resolution Establishing Policy for Public Speakers at Savannah Airport Commission Meetings
2. Recommend Approval to Participate in a Robmark Advertising Campaign to Promote New Air Service in the amount of $287,678.00
3. Recommend Approval to Procure Common Use Passenger Processing System Gate Positions and Gate Information Displays from Infax., in the amount of $221,122.00
4. Recommend Approval to Execute a Work For Hire Agreement with BenL Consulting International d/b/a Ben Lao & Associates in the amount of $144,800.
5. Recommend Approval to Execute a Space Rental Agreement with Alclear, LLC
6. Recommend Approval to Execute Amendment No. 5 to the Land Lease Agreement with Pooler Financing, LLC d/b/a DoubleTree by Hilton
7. Recommend Approval to Execute an Assignment and Assumption Agreement with Rounds, LLC and Mataharii, LLC.
8. Recommend Approval of a Renewing a Five Year Contract with GoApron for a Gate Management System, in the Amount of $267,300
9. Recommend Approval to Procure Taxiway Lighting Equipment from Allen Enterprises, Inc., in the Amount of $99,600
10. Recommend Approval to Procure Wayfinding Stanchions, Panels, and Signage from Lavi Industries, in the Amount of $81,300
11. Recommend Approval to Procure Security Screening Equipment from Leidos Corporation, in the Amount of $317,611
1. Public Comments
2. ACRP Project Update- Presented by R. Rushing
3. Calendar of Upcoming Events – Presented by G. Kelly
4. Executive Session – Personnel, Real Estate, & Litigation