The Savannah Airport Commission will hold its Regular Monthly Commission Meeting in the Commission Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Main Terminal at 9:00 a.m. June 2, 2021
***In-person attendance is restricted to
Commissioners and Staff***
The public may access the meeting at:
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (786) 535-3211
Access Code: 116-047-493
June 2, 2021
1. Call to Order by Chairman Green
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting May 5, 2021
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Notable Mentions
5. Recommend Approval of a One (1) Year Professional Services Agreement with Steven Baldwin & Associates, $42,000.00
6. Recommend Approval of a Letter of Agreement with General Services Administration (GSA) for Continuation of Existing Space Lease Agreement
7. Recommend Approval to Execute an Assignment and Assumption Agreement for a Space Lease Agreement between Blue Willow, LLC. and LanComm, LLC., both d/b/a Stanford Connections, Inc.
8. Recommend Approval to Amend the Military Cooperative Construction Agreement (MCAA) with the Georgia Air National Guard, $1,860,480.00
9. Recommend Approval of a Contract with Independence Excavating, Inc for the Air Cargo Apron Project, $7,309,651.00
1. Air Service Summer Schedule Update
2. Calendar of Upcoming Events
3. Executive Session – Personnel, Real Estate, & Litigation