The Savannah Airport Commission will hold its Regular Monthly Commission Meeting in the Commission Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Main Terminal at 9:00 a.m. March 9, 2022
***In-person attendance is restricted to
Commissioners and Staff***
The public may access the meeting at:
United States: (786) 535-3211
Access Code: 116-047-493
March 9, 2022
1. Call to Order by Chairman Green
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting February 7, 2022 & February 17, 2022
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Length of Service
5. Recommend Approval of Two Co-Op Advertising Campaign Partnerships with the Hilton Head Island – Bluffton Chamber of Commerce, in the amount of $600,000.00
6. Recommend Approval to Participate in the 2022 Visit Savannah Co-Op Digital Advertising Campaign, in the amount of $300,000
7. Recommend Approval of Revised Air Service Incentive Policy
8. Recommend Approval to Execute Amendment No. Six to the Land Lease Agreement and a Conditional Comfort Letter with Ekta Associates, Inc. d/b/a Airways Shell
9. Recommend Approval to Execute Amendment No. Four to the Land Lease Agreement and a Conditional Comfort Letter with Airport Amoco BP
10. Recommend Approval to Ratify the Estoppel Letter between Crossroads Pointe, LLC, and the Savannah Airport Commission
11. Recommend Approval of a Contract with TRP Construction Group for the Runway Paint Cleaning & Thermoplastic Sign Replacements Project (Phase II), in the amount of $83,650.00
12. Request Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Chatham County for Computer-Aided Dispatch Services, in the amount of $337,460
1. Calendar of Upcoming Events – Presented by G. Kelly
2. Executive Session – Personnel, Real Estate, & Litigation