January 13, 2020
1. Call to Order by Chairman Green
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Length of Service Awards
5. Notable Mentions
6. Recommend Approval of Development Agreements with Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
7. Recommend Approval of Holiday Décor Proposal with Sebrell Smith Designer Events, $80,513.87
8. Recommend Approval to Renew Contract for Professional Services with Ailevon Pacific Air Service Consulting, $136,000.00
9. Recommend Approval to Procure a Software Subscription from WebEOC Emergency Crisis Management Software, $40,000.00
10. Recommend Approval to Execute an Underground License Agreement with Georgia Power Company, Tru by Hilton Hotel
11. Recommend Approval to Execute an Underground License Agreement with Georgia Power Company, Terminal Apron Expansion Project
12. Recommend Approval of a Contract with Griffin Contracting, Inc. for the Maintenance Equipment Shed Project, $197,288.00
13. Recommend Approval of a Contract with KONE, Inc., for the Lifecycle Escalator Replacement Project, $1,700,000.00
1. Home for the Holidays Update
2. Retirement Committee Annual Report
3. Fire Fee Letter Update
4. Calendar of Upcoming Events
5. Executive Session – Personnel, Real Estate, & Litigation