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The Savannah Airport Commission will hold its Regular Monthly Commission Meeting in the Commission Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Main Terminal at 9:00 a.m. January 5, 2022
***In-person attendance is restricted to
Commissioners and Staff***
The public may access the meeting at:
United States: (786) 535-3211
Access Code: 116-047-493

January 5, 2022
1. Call to Order by Chairman Green
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Length of Service Awards

5. Recommend Approval of Amendment No. 1 to Task Work Order No. 12, with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., for the Security Checkpoint Expansion, in the amount of $52,660.00
6. Recommend Approval of Change Order No. 1, 2, and 3, with Johnson-Laux, for the Rental Car Facility Improvements Project, in the amount of $48,133.38
7. Recommend Approval to Ratify the Acceptance of Concessions Rent Relief Airport Rescue Grant Agreement Grant Offer No. 3-13-0100-071-2022 from the Federal Aviation Administration, in the amount of $1,251,941
8. Recommend Approval of Host Airport Sponsorship for the F. Russell Hoyt National Airports Conference (NAC), in the amount of $55,000.00
9. *Recommend Approval of a New Consolidated Master Lease with Liberty Air Ventures, LLC d/b/a, Sheltair Aviation*

1. Parking Lot Improvements Update
2. Offering in Memory of Mercer Blackburn
3. Calendar of Upcoming Events
4. Executive Session