June 1, 2022
1. Call to Order by Chairman Green
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting May 9, 2022
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Notable Mentions
5. Length of Service Awards
1. Recommend Approval to Execute an Underground Right of Access Agreement with Georgia Power
2. Recommend Approval to Execute a Logo Licensing Agreement with Travel & Leisure, in the amount of $47,995
3. Recommend Approval of Travel & Leisure National Advertising Co-Op with the Hilton Head Island Chamber of Commerce, in the amount of $50,000
4. Recommend Approval of Development Agreements with Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
5. Recommend Approval to Execute Amendment No. 5 to the Space Lease Agreement with HMS Host International, Inc.
6. Recommend Approval to Execute a Space Lease Agreement with Delta Air Lines, Inc.
7. Recommend Approval to Procure One (1) Mid-Size, Four-Door 4×4 Ford Explorer from JC Lewis Ford of Statesboro , in the amount of $51,225
8. Recommend Approval to Procure One (1) Full Size, Half-Ton, 4×4 F-150 Pick-Up Truck from JC Lewis Ford of Savannah, in the amount of $64,980
9. Recommend Approval to Procure Services from KONE, Inc., for the Lifecycle Upgrade of Six (6) Elevator Door Operators, in the amount of $86,904
10. Recommend Approval to Procure a Mini Excavator from Hendrix Machinery, in the amount of $57,947
11. Recommend Approval to Procure a Wide Area Mower from Owens Collective, in the amount of $113,894
12. Recommend Approval to Execute an Assignment and Assumption Agreement for a Professional Services Contract between Hurt, Norton & Associates and Carol G. Holladay & Associates
1. Finance First Quarter Update
2. Calendar of Upcoming Events
3. Executive Session