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October 6, 2022
1. Call to Order by Chairman Green
2. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Notable Mentions
5. Length of Service Awards

1. Recommend Approval of the Renewal of a Professional Services Agreement for Federal Government Relations Support with Woodward & Associates, in the amount of $144,000
2. Recommend Approval of a Sponsorship Commitment to Visit Savannah to Support Efforts to Recruit the 2027 Bass Master Classic, in the amount of $50,000
3. Recommend Approval of an Official Airport Partnership with the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce for the Kingdom Cup, in the amount of $225,000
4. Recommend Approval of Change Order No. 6 & 7 with Johnson-Laux for Modifications and Additions to the Scope of the Rental Car Improvements Project, in the amount of $71,396.83
5. Recommend Approval to Execute a Contract with ECS Southeast, LLP for Special Inspections for the Terminal Security Checkpoint Expansion Project, in the amount of $169,605
6. Recommend Approval of Acknowledgement of Items 1-3 for Space Lease Agreement Terminations
7. Recommend Approval to Execute Amendment No. 2 with Federal Express Corporation
8. Recommend Approval to Execute Amendment No.1 with Air Cargo Carriers, LLC
9. Recommend Approval of Recognition Agreements with Gulfstream Corporation

1. SEADOG Update
2. Calendar of Upcoming Events
3. Executive Session – Personnel, Real Estate, & Litigation